Selected publications concerning Queensland Forests

A repository of historic material concerning Queensland forests, apparently not available elsewhere on the internet.

Cameron, D.M. & Jermyn, D. (1991). Review of plantation performance of high value rainforest species. Australian Center for International Agricultural Research, Canberra. 55p & appendices

Grimes, R.F. (1978). Crown assessment of natural spotted gum-ironbark forest. [Corymbia maculata, Eucalyptus fibrosa, Eucalyptus drepanophylla] Technical Paper no 7, Queensland Department of Forestry, Australia.

Hawkins, P.J. & Muir, J.D. (1987). Aspects of management of plantations in tropical and subtropical Queensland. Department of Forestry, Queensland. 66 p.

Henry, N.B. (1960). The effect of silvicultural treatment on the production from native forests. Australian Forestry, 24(1), 30-45.

Henry, N.B. & Florence, R.G. (1966). Establishment and development of regeneration in spotted gum-ironbark forests. [Corymbia maculata, Eucalyptus fibrosa, Eucalyptus drepanophylla] Australian Forestry, 30(4), 304-316.

Henry, N.B. (1990) One-way volume equations for north Queensland rainforest species. Unpublished Report, Queensland Department of Forestry. 18 p.

Higgins, M.D. (1977). A sustained yield study of north Queensland rainforests. Unpublished report, Queensland Department of Forestry, Brisbane.

Hyland, B.P.M. & Henry, N.B. (1974). The preparation of a card key to the rain forest trees of North Queensland. Commonwealth Forestry Review, 53(3), 214-220.

Nicholson, D.I., Henry, N.B. & Rudder, J. (1988). Stand changes in north Queensland rainforests. In Proceedings of the Ecological Society of Australia (Vol. 15, pp. 61-80).

Queensland Department of Forestry (1983) Rainforest research in north Queensland. A position paper issued by the Queensland Department of Forestry. 60 pages.

White, K.J. (1957). The silviculture of Cedrela toona var australis in north Queensland. [Toona ciliata] B.Sc.For. Honours thesis, University of Queensland. VI+28 pages, 21 figs.