Kev's library on Papua New Guinea forests

Selected material concerning PNG forests selected from the archive of K.J. White.

Anon, 1968. First PNG Silvicultural Research Conference. Office of Forests, PNG. 85 p.

Anon, 1975. Forestry Legislation in Papua New Guinea: Project findings and recommendations. UNDP & FAO, Rome. FO:DP/PNG/74/051 Terminal Report. v+95 p.

Anon, 1976. Register of growth plots in PNG. Forest Management Research Branch, Department of Forestry, Papua New Guinea. 41 p.

Carson, G.L., 1974. Forestry and forest policy in Papua New Guinea. Commonwealth Fund for Technical Aid. 20 p.

CTFT, 1968. Techniques and practices to maximise economic returns in natural tropical forests. First PNG Silvicultural Research Conference. Office of Forests, PNG. p. 75-77.

Dun, D. & R.T. Fenton, 1974. Some aspects of reforestation in Papua New Guinea. UNDP FO:PAP/73/007 Project Report. 59 p & appendices.

Floyd, A.G., 1977. Ecology of the tidal forests in the Kikori-Romilly Sound area, Gulf of Papua. Office of Forests, DPI, PNG. Ecology Report No 4. 59 p.

Forest Products Research Centre, 1967. Properties and uses of Papua and New Guinea timbers. Second Trade Note, Department of Forests, Territory of Papua and New Guinea. 30 p.

Gibson, I.A.S., 1975. Diseases of forest trees widely planted as exotics in the tropics and southern hemisphere. Part 1. Important members of the Myrtaceae, Leguminosae, Verbenaceae and Meliaceae. Commonwealth Forestry Institute, University of Oxford. 51 p.

Gray, B., 1968. Forest tree and timber insect pests in the Territory of Papua and New Guinea. Pacific Insects 10(2):301-323.

Gray, B., & F.R. Wylie, 1974. Forest tree and timber insect pests in Papua New Guinea. II. Pacific Insects 16(1):67-115.

Hawkins, B.T. & A. Ryan, 1975. Light timber framing for Papua New Guinea. CSIRO Division of Building Research, Report 36. 29 p.

Jephcott, B., 1974. Forest Policy in Papua New Guinea Minister for Natural Resources, Papua New Guinea. 8 p.

Smith, J.E.N., 1968. The introduction of exotic softwoods to the Territory of Papua and New Guinea. First PNG Silvicultural Research Conference. Office of Forests, PNG. p. 19-38.

Suttie, W.R., 1962. Forestry in Papua and New Guinea: A transition period 1951-1961. Presidential address to Papua and New Guinea Scientific Society, March 1962. 10 p.

Vanclay, J.K., 1990. Permanent sample plot data for growth modelling. FAO Forest Management Research and Development Project PNG/86/009, Lae, PNG. Working Document No. 7. 17 p.

White, K.J., 1957. The silviculture of Cedrela toona var australis in north Queensland. [Toona ciliata] B.Sc.For. Honours thesis, University of Queensland. VI+28 pages, 21 figs.

White, K.J., 1962. Tree breeding with teak (Tectona grandis). Australian Forestry 26(2):90-93.

White, K., 1964. Hoop pine pruning experiment - Bulolo, Territory of Papua and New Guinea. Commonwealth Forestry Review 43:333-334.

White, K.J. & A.L. Cameron, 1965. Silvicultural techniques in Papua New Guinea: Forest plantations. Division of Silviculture, Department of Forests, Papua & New Guinea. Bulletin 1. 99 p.

White, K.J., 1968. Exotic introductions - Forest hardwoods. First PNG Silvicultural Research Conference. Office of Forests, PNG. p. 39-47.

White, K.J., 1972. Forest Resources of Papua New Guinea. Commonwealth Forestry Review 51:58-61.

White, K.J., 1975. Constraints on the development of forest industries in PNG. University of Papua New Guinea. 14 p.

White, K.J., 1975. Planned developments in lowland rainforests in Papua New Guinea with special reference to infrastructure, mining and forestry. Symposium on Man and Biosphere Project, Port Moresby, 28-30 April 1975. 13 p.

White, K.J., 1976. Australian forest policy in the Territories of Papua and New Guinea: The close of an era. Presidential address to Papua New Guinea Scientific Society. 27 p.

White, K.J., 1993. Silviculture of eucalyptus plantings: learning in the region. Proceedings of a regional expert consultation on eucalyptus, FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok, 4-8.

Womersley, J.S. & J.B. McAdam, 1957. The forests and forest conditions in the Territories of Papua and New Guinea. British Commonwealth Forestry Conference. 62 p.