Selected publications by Jerry Vanclay - arranged by topic


Putz, F.E., P.A. Zuidema, T. Synnott, M. Peña-Claros, M.A. Pinard, D. Sheil, J.K. Vanclay, P. Sist, S. Gourlet-Fleury, J. Palmer, R. Zagt, B. Griscom, 2014. A more realistic portrayal of tropical forestry: response to Kormos and Zimmerman. Conservation Letters 7(2):145-146 PDF Source

Sheil, D., E. Meijaard, A. Angelsen, J. Sayer and J. Vanclay, 2013. Sharing future conservation costs. Science 339:270-271. PDF Source

Putz, F.E., P.A. Zuidema, T. Synnott, M. Peña-Claros, M.A. Pinard, D. Sheil, J.K. Vanclay, P. Sist, S. Gourlet-Fleury, B. Griscom, J. Palmer and R. Zagt, 2012. Sustaining conservation values in selectively logged tropical forests: The attained and the attainable. Conservation Letters 5(4):296–303. Preprint/PDF Source

Vanclay, J., 2011. Carbon and forests: The big picture. Australasian Science 32(10):4. Text

Jay, A., D. Sharpe, D. Nichols and J. Vanclay, 2009. Sustainable Private Native Forestry - Timber production, biodiversity and soil and water indicators and their applicability to northeast New South Wales. RIRDC Publication 09/022. PDF/Text

Vanclay, J.K., 2007. How to foster good husbandry of private native forests. Small-Scale Forestry 6(2):205-218. Preprint/PDF Source

Vanclay, J., D. Thompson, J. Sayer, J. McNeely, D. Kaimowitz, A. Gibbs, H. Crompton, D. Cameron, I. Bevege, 2006. A proposal for stewardship support to private native forests in NSW. The Southern Cross Group of forest researchers and practitioners. PDF/text

Smith, R.G.B., J.D. Nichols and J.K. Vanclay, 2005. Dynamics of tree diversity in undisturbed and logged subtropical rainforest in Australia. Biodiversity and Conservation 14:2447-2463. Preprint/PDF Source

Vanclay, J.K., 2004. Indicator groups and faunal richness. Forest Biometry, Modelling and Information Sciences 1:105-113. PDF/text Abstract/HTML

Vanclay, J.K., 2001. The Effectiveness of Parks. Science 293:1007. Preprint/PDF Source

Vanclay, J.K., 1999. On the nature of keystone species. Ecology and Society 3(1):r3. Source/HTML

Vanclay, J.K., 1998. Towards more rigorous assessment of biodiversity. In: P. Bachmann, M. Kohl and R. Paivinen (eds) Assessment of Biodiversity for Improved Forest Planning. Kluwer, Forestry Sciences Series 51, p. 211-232. Preprint/PDF

Vanclay, J.K., 1992. Species richness and productive forest management. In: F.R. Miller and K.L. Adam (eds) Wise Management of Tropical Forests, Oxford Forestry Institute, University of Oxford, p. 1-9. Preprint/PDF Abstract/HTML

Biomass & Volume

Kahyani, S., H. Sohrabi, S.M. Hosseini and J. Vanclay, 2016. LAI and Leaf Biomass Allometric Equations for Three Common Tree Species in a Hyrcanian Temperate Forest. Open Journal of Forestry 6(02), 1. Source

Sheil, D., C.S. Eastaugh, M. Vlam, P.A. Zuidema, P. Groenendijk, P. der Sleen, A. Jay and J.K. Vanclay, 2016. Does biomass growth increase in the largest trees?–Flaws, fallacies, and alternative analyses. Functional Ecology DOI: 10.1111/1365-2435.12775

Murphy, T., G. Jones,J. Vanclay and K. Glencross, 2013. Preliminary carbon sequestration modelling for the Australian macadamia industry. Agroforestry Systems 87(3):689–698. PDF Source

Vanclay, J.K., 2010. Robust relationships for simple plantation growth models based on sparse data. Forest Ecology and Management 259:1050–1054. Preprint/PDF Source

Vanclay, J.K. and P.J. Sands, 2009. Calibrating the self-thinning frontier. Forest Ecology and Management 259:81-85. Preprint/PDF Abstract Source

Vanclay, J.K. and J.S. Baynes, 2005. Constructing a Yield Table for Smallholder Forests. In J. Suh, S.R. Harrison, J.L. Herbohn, E.O. Mangaong and J.K. Vanclay (eds) ACIAR Smallholder Forestry Project - Improving Financial Returns to Smallholder Tree Farmers in the Philippines, 15-17 Febuary, 2005, pages 107-110, Ormoc City, the Philippines. PDF/text Abstract/HTML

Usoltsev, V.A. and J.K. Vanclay, 1995. Stand biomass dynamics of pine plantations and natural forests on dry steppe in Kazakhstan. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 10:305-312. Preprint/PDF Source

Vanclay, J.K., 1991. Tree volume equations for slash pine. Queensland Forest Service, Research Note No. 43. 12 p. PDF/image Abstract/HTML

Vanclay, J.K. and P.J. Shepherd, 1983. Compendium of volume equations for plantation species used by the Queensland Department of Forestry. Queensland Department of Forestry, Technical Paper No. 36. 21 p. PDF/image Abstract/HTML

Vanclay, J.K., 1982. Volume to any utilization standard for plantation conifers in Queensland. Queensland Department of Forestry, Research Note No. 36. 8 p. PDF/image Abstract/HTML

Vanclay, J.K., 1982. Stem form and volume of slash pine thinnings in south east Queensland. Queensland Department of Forestry, Technical Paper No. 34. 17 p. PDF/image Abstract/HTML


Grant, J.C., J.D. Nichols, R.L. Yao, R.G.B. Smith, P.D. Brennan and J.K. Vanclay, 2012. Depth distribution of roots of Eucalyptus dunnii and Corymbia citriodora subsp. variegata in different soil conditions. Forest Ecology and Management 269:249-258. PDF/text Source

Forrester, D.I., J.K. Vanclay and R.I. Forrester, 2011. The balance between facilitation and competition interactions in mixtures of Eucalyptus and Acacia changes as stands develop. Oecologia 166:265-272, Source

Vanclay, J.K., 2010. Robust relationships for simple plantation growth models based on sparse data. Forest Ecology and Management 259:1050–1054. Preprint/PDF Source

Vanclay, J.K., 2009. Tree diameter, height and stocking in even-aged forests. Annals of Forest Science 66:702. Abstract/HTML Source

Vanclay, J.K. and P.J. Sands, 2009. Calibrating the self-thinning frontier. Forest Ecology and Management 259:81-85. Preprint/PDF Abstract Source

Vanclay, J.K., M. Henson and G. Palmer, 2008. Colour variation and correlations in Eucalyptus dunnii sawnwood. Journal of Wood Science 54(6):431-435. Preprint/PDF Source

Pelletier, M.C., M. Henson, S. Boyton, D. Thomas and J.K. Vanclay, 2008. Genetic variation in shrinkage properties of Eucalyptus pilularis assessed using increment cores and test blocks. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science 38(1):194-210. Preprint/PDF

Raymond, C., M. Henson, M.C. Pelletier, S. Boyton, W. Joe, D. Thomas, H. Smith and J. Vanclay, 2008. Improving dimensional stability in plantation-grown E. pilularis and E. dunnii. Forest & Wood Products Australia Report: PN06.3017. 71 pp. PDF

Bristow, M.,J.K. Vanclay, L. Brooks and M. Hunt, 2006. Growth and Species Interactions of Eucalyptus pellita in a Mixed and Monoculture Plantation in the Humid Tropics of North Queensland. Forest Ecology and Management 233:285-294. Preprint/PDF Source

Forrester, D.I., J. Bauhus, A.L. Cowie and J.K. Vanclay, J.K., 2006. Mixed-Species Plantations of Eucalyptus with Nitrogen Fixing Trees: A Review. Forest Ecology and Management, 233:211-230. Preprint/PDF Source

Murphy, T.N., M. Henson and J.K. Vanclay, 2005. Growth stress in Eucalyptus dunnii. Australian Forestry 68(2):144-149. PDF/text Preprint/PDF Source

Thinley, C., G. Palmer, J.K. Vanclay and M. Henson, 2005. Spiral and interlocking grain in Eucalyptus dunnii. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products 63(5):372-379. PDF/text Preprint/PDF Source

Henson, M. and J.K. Vanclay, 2004. The value of good sites and good genotypes: an analysis of Eucalyptus dunnii plantations in NSW. In “The Economics and Management of High Productivity Plantations”, Lugo, Spain, 27-30. September 2004, ISBN 84 609 3061 0. Preprint/PDF Abstract/HTML

Henson, M., S. Boyton, M. Davies, B. Joe, B. Kangane, T. Murphy, G. Palmer and J.K. Vanclay, 2004. Genetic parameters of wood properties in a 9 year old E. dunnii progeny trial in NSW, Australia. In: N.M.G. Borralho, J.S. Pereira, C. Marques, J. Coutinho, M. Madeira and M. Tomé (eds) “Eucalyptus in a Changing World”, Proc. IUFRO Conf., Aveiro, 11-15 Oct (RAIZ, Instituto Investigação da Floresta e Papel, Portugal), p. 183. Poster/PDF Abstract/HTML

Forest policy

Sheil, D., E. Meijaard, A. Angelsen, J. Sayer and J. Vanclay, 2013. Sharing future conservation costs. Science 339:270-271. PDF Source

Nichols, J.D. and J.K. Vanclay, 2012. Domestication of native tree species for timber plantations: Key insights for tropical island nations. International Forestry Review 14(4):402-413. Source

Vanclay, J.K., 2011. Future Harvest: What might forest harvesting entail 25 years hence? Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 26:183-186. Preprint/PDF Source

Leys, A.J. and J.K. Vanclay, 2011. Stakeholder engagement in social learning to resolve controversies over land-use change to plantation forestry. Regional Environmental Change 11:175-190. Preprint/PDF Source

Vanclay, J.K., 2010. Hallmarks of an effective non-governmental organisation: the formation and management of Australia’s Wentworth Group. Science and Public Policy 37(9):719-722. Preprint/PDF Source

Leys, A.J. and J.K. Vanclay, 2010. Land-use conflict arising from plantation forestry expansion: landscapes: Views across Australian fencelines. International Forestry Review 12(3):256-269. Preprint/PDF Source

Vanclay, J.K., 2007. How to foster good husbandry of private native forests. Small-Scale Forestry 6(2):205-218. Preprint/PDF Source

Vanclay, J.K., 2007. Community Attitudes towards Private Native Forestry in New South Wales. Small-Scale Forestry 6(2):177-188. Preprint/PDF Source

Vanclay, J.K., 2006. Can Lessons from the Community Rainforest Reforestation Program in Eastern Australia be Learned? International Forestry Review 8(2):256-264. Preprint/PDF Source

Vanclay, J.K., R. Keenan, A. Gerrand and I. Frakes, 2006. Beer bottle tops: a simple forest management game. International Forestry Review 8(4):432-438. PDF/text Source

Vanclay, J.K., 2005. Deforestation: correlations, possible causes and some implications. International Forestry Review 7(4):278-293. Preprint/PDF Source

Vanclay, J.K. and J.D. Nichols, 2005. What would a Global Forest Convention mean for tropical forests and for timber consumers? Journal of Forestry 103(3):120-125. Preprint/PDF Source

Vanclay, J.K. and R. Prabhu, 1998. Healthy forests, sound economics, social justice. Forum for Applied Research and Public Policy 13:78-84. PDF/image Preprint/PDF

Vanclay, J.K., 1997. Changes and challenges to international forestry. In: E.P. Bachelard and A.G. Brown (eds) Preparing for the 21st Century. Proceedings of 4th joint conference of Institute of Foresters of Australia and New Zealand Institute of Forestry, 21-24 April 1997, Canberra, p. 13-19. PDF/text Abstract/HTML

Sayer, J., N. Byron, D. Dykstra and J.K. Vanclay, 1997. Priorities for international forest research. Eleventh World Forestry Congress, 13-22 October, Antalya, Turkey. PDF/image Abstract/HTML

Vanclay, J.K., 1993. Saving the tropical forest: Needs and prognosis. Ambio 22:225-231. PDF/image Preprint/PDF

Vanclay, J.K., 1992. Species richness and productive forest management. In: F.R. Miller and K.L. Adam (eds) Wise Management of Tropical Forests, Oxford Forestry Institute, University of Oxford, p. 1-9. Preprint/PDF Abstract/HTML

Growth models

Orellana, E., A. Figueiredo Filho, S. Péllico Netto and J.K. Vanclay, 2016. Predicting the dynamics of a native Araucaria forest using a distance independent individual tree-growth model. Forest Ecosystems 3:12. Source

Roitman, I., J.K. Vanclay, J.D. Hay and J.M. Felfili, 2016. Dynamic equilibrium and decelerating growth of a seasonal Neotropical gallery forest in the Brazilian savanna. Journal of Tropical Ecology 32(3):193-200. Source Preprint/PDF

Vanclay, J.K., 2014. Unsuspected implications arising from assumptions in simulations: Insights from recasting a forest growth model in system dynamics. Forest Ecosystems 1:7 doi:10.1186/2197-5620-1-7 Source Simile model

Grant, J.C., K. Glencross, J.D. Nichols, G. Palmer, M. Sethy and J.K. Vanclay, 2012. Silvicultural implications arising from a simple simulation model for Endospermum medullosum in Vanuatu. International Forestry Review 14(4):452-462. Source

Vanclay, J.K., 2012. Modelling continuous cover forests. Chapter 7 in T. Pukkala and K. von Gadow (eds) Continuous Cover Forestry. Springer, Managing Forest Ecosystems 23, ISBN 978-94-007-2201-9, pp. 229-241. PDF/text Source

Weiskittel, A.R., D.W. Hann, J.A. Kershaw and J.K. Vanclay, 2011. Forest Growth and Yield Modeling. Wiley

Vanclay, J.K., 2010. Robust relationships for simple plantation growth models based on sparse data. Forest Ecology and Management 259:1050–1054. Preprint/PDF Source

Vanclay, J.K., 2009. Tree diameter, height and stocking in even-aged forests. Annals of Forest Science 66:702. Abstract/HTML Source

Vanclay, J.K. and P.J. Sands, 2009. Calibrating the self-thinning frontier. Forest Ecology and Management, in press. Preprint/PDF Abstract/HTML

Mendoza, G.A. and J.K. Vanclay, 2008. Trends in Forestry Modelling. CAB Reviews: Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources 3(10), 8 pp. Text/PDF Source

Vanclay, J.K., 2003. Realising opportunities in forest growth modelling. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 33(3): 536-541. PDF/image Preprint/PDF Source

Vanclay, J.K., 2003. Growth modelling and yield prediction for sustainable forest management. The Malaysian Forester 66(1):58-69. PDF/image Preprint/PDF Abstract/HTML

Vanclay, J.K. and J.P. Skovsgaard, 1997. Evaluating forest growth models. Ecological Modelling 98:1-12. Preprint/PDF Source

Vanclay, J.K., 1996. Estimating Sustainable Timber Production from Tropical Forests. CIFOR Working Paper No 11, 25 p. PDF/text Abstract/HTML

Vanclay, J.K., 1995. Growth models for tropical forests: a synthesis of models and methods. Forest Science 41:7-42. PDF/image Preprint/PDF Abstract/HTML Source

Vanclay, J.K., 1992. Modelling regeneration and recruitment in a tropical rainforest. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 22:1235-1248. PDF/image

Vanclay, J.K., 1991. Compatible deterministic and stochastic predictions by probabilistic modelling of individual trees. Forest Science 37:1656-1663. PDF/image Preprint/PDF Source

Vanclay, J.K., 1991. Aggregating tree species to develop diameter increment equations for tropical rainforests. Forest Ecology and Management 42:143-168. Preprint/PDF Abstract/HTML Source

Vanclay, J.K., 1991. Mortality functions for north Queensland rainforests. Journal of Tropical Forest Science 4:15-36. PDF/image Preprint/PDF Abstract/HTML

Vanclay, J.K., 1991. Modelling changes in the merchantability of individual trees in tropical rainforest. Commonwealth Forestry Review 70:105-111. PDF/image Preprint/PDF

Vanclay, J.K., 1991. Data requirements for developing growth models for tropical moist forests. Commonwealth Forestry Review 70:248-271. PDF/image Preprint/PDF Abstract/HTML

Vanclay, J.K., 1989. Modelling selection harvesting in tropical rain forests. Journal of Tropical Forest Science 1:280-294. Source

Mixed plantings

Nguyen, H., J. Herbohn, J. Clendenning, D. Lamb, W. Dressler, J. Vanclay and J. Firn, 2015. What is the available evidence concerning relative performance of different designs of mixed-species plantings for smallholder and community forestry in the tropics? A systematic map protocol. Environmental Evidence 4:15 doi:10.1186/s13750-015-0041-8

Vanclay, J.K., D. Lamb, P. Erskine and D.M. Cameron, 2013. Spatially-explicit competition in a mixed planting of Araucaria cunninghamii and Flindersia brayleyana. Annals of Forest Science 70:611–619. Preprint Source

Manson, D.G., S. Schmidt, M. Bristow, P.D. Erskine and J.K. Vanclay, 2013. Species-site matching in mixed species plantations of native trees in tropical Australia. Agroforestry Systems 87(1):233-250 Preprint/PDF Source

Forrester, D.I., J.K. Vanclay and R.I. Forrester, 2011. The balance between facilitation and competition interactions in mixtures of Eucalyptus and Acacia changes as stands develop. Oecologia 166:265-272, Source

Vanclay, J.K., 2009. Managing water use from forest plantations. Forest Ecology and Management 257:385-389. Preprint/PDF Source

Vanclay, J.K., 2006. Spatially-explicit competition indices and the analysis of mixed-species plantings with the Simile modelling environment. Forest Ecology and Management, 233:295-302. Preprint/PDF Source

Vanclay, J.K., 2006. Experiment designs to evaluate inter- and intra-specific interactions in mixed plantings of forest trees. Forest Ecology and Management, 233:366-374. Preprint/PDF Source

Vanclay, J.K., 2006. Can Lessons from the Community Rainforest Reforestation Program in Eastern Australia be Learned? International Forestry Review 8(2):256-264. Preprint/PDF Abstract/HTML Source

Bristow, M., J.D. Nichols and J.K. Vanclay, 2006. Improving productivity in mixed-species plantations. Forest Ecology and Management, 233:193-194. Preprint/PDF Source

Bristow, M.,J.K. Vanclay, L. Brooks and M. Hunt, 2006. Growth and Species Interactions of Eucalyptus pellita in a Mixed and Monoculture Plantation in the Humid Tropics of North Queensland. Forest Ecology and Management 233:285-294. Preprint/PDF Source

Forrester, D.I., J. Bauhus, A.L. Cowie and J.K. Vanclay, J.K., 2006. Mixed-Species Plantations of Eucalyptus with Nitrogen Fixing Trees: A Review. Forest Ecology and Management, 233:211-230. Preprint/PDF Source

Nichols, J.D., M. Bristow and J.K. Vanclay, 2006. Mixed Species Plantations: Prospects and Challenges. Forest Ecology and Management, 233:383-390. Preprint/PDF Source


Sheil, D., C.S. Eastaugh, M. Vlam, P.A. Zuidema, P. Groenendijk, P. der Sleen, A. Jay and J.K. Vanclay, 2016. Does biomass growth increase in the largest trees?–Flaws, fallacies, and alternative analyses. Functional Ecology DOI: 10.1111/1365-2435.12775

Putz, F.E., P.A. Zuidema, T. Synnott, M. Peña-Claros, M.A. Pinard, D. Sheil, J.K. Vanclay, P. Sist, S. Gourlet-Fleury, J. Palmer, R. Zagt, B. Griscom, 2013. A more realistic portrayal of tropical forestry: response to Kormos and Zimmerman. Conservation Letters, PDF DOI 10.1111/conl.12044

Putz, F.E., P.A. Zuidema, T. Synnott, M. Peña-Claros, M.A. Pinard, D. Sheil, J.K. Vanclay, P. Sist, S. Gourlet-Fleury, B. Griscom, J. Palmer and R. Zagt, 2012. Sustaining conservation values in selectively logged tropical forests: The attained and the attainable. Conservation Letters 5(4):296–303. Preprint/PDF Source

Vanclay, J.K., J. Shortiss, S. Aulsebrook, A.M. Gillespie, B.C. Howell, R. Johanni, M.J. Maher, K.M. Mitchell, M.D. Stewart and J. Yates, 2011. Customer response to carbon labelling of groceries. Journal of Consumer Policy 34:153–160. Preprint/PDF Source

Vanclay, J.K., 2010. Can silvicultural treatments improve the water economy? Forêt Méditerranéenne 31(4):366-368.PDF/text

Vanclay, J.K., 2010. Hallmarks of an effective non-governmental organisation: the formation and management of Australia’s Wentworth Group. Science and Public Policy 37(9):719-722. Preprint/PDF Source

Vanclay, J.K., 2009. Bias in the Journal Impact Factor. Scientometrics 78(1):3-12. Preprint/PDF Abstract/HTML Source

Vanclay, J.K., 2007. Community Attitudes towards Private Native Forestry in New South Wales. Small-Scale Forestry 6(2):177-188. Preprint/PDF Source

Vanclay, J.K.. 2006. The Southern Cross Group's Proposal for Stewardship Support for Private Native Forests. In G. Unwin and A. Lyons (eds) Sustainable Forestry - Everybody Benefits. Australian Forest Growers International Biennial Conference, Launceston, 22-25 October 2006, pp. 303-308. PDF/text Abstract/HTML

Vanclay, J.K., 2004. Indicator groups and faunal richness. Forest Biometry, Modelling and Information Sciences 1:105-113. PDF/text Abstract/HTML

Vanclay, J.K., 2001. The Effectiveness of Parks. Science 293:1007. Preprint/PDF Source

Vanclay, J.K., 2000. Scientific Research or Advocacy? Emotive labels and selection bias confound survey results. Ecology and Society 4(1):r8. Source/HTML

Vanclay, J.K., 1999. On the nature of keystone species. Ecology and Society 3(1):r3. Source/HTML

Vanclay, J.K., 1996. Assessing the sustainability of timber harvests from natural forests: Limitations of indices based on successive harvests. Journal of Sustainable Forestry 3(4):47-58. Preprint/PDF Source

Vanclay, J.K., 1991. Ecological sensitivity of Australian rainforests to selective logging. Australian Journal of Ecology 16:541-542. Preprint/PDF Abstract/HTML Source

Vanclay, J.K., E.J. Rudder, G. Dale and G.A. Blake, 1991. Sustainable harvesting of tropical rainforests: Reply to Keto, Scott and Olsen. Journal of Environmental Management 33:379-394. PDF/image Preprint/PDF

Participatory modelling

Leys, A.J. and J.K. Vanclay, 2011. Stakeholder engagement in social learning to resolve controversies over land-use change to plantation forestry. Regional Environmental Change 11:175-190. Preprint/PDF Source

Leys, A.J. and J.K. Vanclay, 2011. Social learning: A knowledge and capacity building approach for adaptive co-management of contested landscapes. Land Use Policy 28(3):574-584. Preprint/PDF Source

Vanclay, J.K., 2010. Participatory modelling to inform rural development: Case studies from Zimbabwe and Australia. International Journal of Environmental and Rural Development 1(2):122-126. PDF/text Source

Leys, A.J. and J.K. Vanclay, 2010. Land-use change conflict arising from plantation forestry expansion: landscapes: Views across Australian fencelines. International Forestry Review 12(3):256-269. Preprint/PDF Source

Vanclay, J.K., R. Prabhu and F. Sinclair, 2006. Realizing Community Futures: A practical guide to harnessing Natural Resources. Earthscan. Web support for book Preprint.

Vanclay, J.K., 2003. Why model landscapes at the level of households and fields? Small-scale Forestry 2(2):121-134. PDF/text Source

Vanclay, J.K., M. Haggith and C.J. Pierce Colfer, 2003. Participation and model-building: Lessons learned from the Bukittinggi workshop. Small-scale Forestry 2(2):135-154. Preprint/PDF Source

Prabhu, R., M. Haggith, H. Mudavanhu, R. Muetzelfeldt, W. Standa-Gunda and J.K. Vanclay, 2003. ZimFlores: A model to advise co-management of the Mafungautsi Forest in Zimbabwe. Small-scale Forestry 2(2):185-210. PDF/text Source

Purnomo, H., Y. Yasmi, R. Prahbu, L. Yuliani, H. Priyadi and J.K. Vanclay, 2003. Multi-agent simulation of alternative scenarios of collaborative forest management. Small-scale Forestry 2(2):277-292. PDF/text Source

Standa-Gunda, W., T. Mutimukuru, R. Nyirenda, R. Prabhu, M. Haggith and J.K. Vanclay, 2003. Participatory modelling to enhance social learning, collective action and mobilization among users of the Mafungautsi Forest, Zimbabwe. Small-scale Forestry 2(2):313-326. PDF/text Abstract/HTML Source

Vanclay, J.K., 1998. FLORES: for exploring land use options in forested landscapes. Agroforestry Forum 9(1):47-52. PDF/image Preprint/PDF


Herbohn, J.L., J. Vanclay, H. Ngyuen, H.D. Le, J. Baynes, S.R. Harrison, E. Cedamon, C. Smith, J. Firn, N.O. Gregorio, E. Mangaoang and E. Lamarre, 2014. Inventory Procedures for Smallholder and Community Woodlots in the Philippines: Methods, Initial Findings and Insights. Small-scale Forestry 13(1):79-100 Preprint/PDF Source

Gregorio, N.O., J.L. Herbohn and J.K. Vanclay, 2012. Developing establishment guidelines for Shorea palosapis in smallholder plantings in the Philippines. International Forestry Review 14(4):492-501. Source

Vanclay, J., J. Herbohn and S. Harrison, 2010. Identifying best management practice in forestry nurseries. In S.R. Harrison, A. Bosch, N.O. Gregorio and J.L. Herbohn (eds) ACIAR Smallholder Forestry Project ASEM/2006/091, Proceedings from Mid-term Workshop, held at Visayas State University Baybay, Leyte, the Philippines, 13 February 2009, p.171-175. Abstract

Herbohn, J.L., N.O. Gregorio and J. Vanclay, 2009. Initial gas exchange results from field trials. In S.R. Harrison, A. Bosch, J. Herbohn and E. Mangaoang (eds) Proceedings from the End-of-Project Workshop Held in Ormoc City, the Philippines. ACIAR Smallholder Forestry Project: Improving Financial Returns to Smallholder Tree Farmers in the Philippines, End-of-Project Workshop, Sabin Resort Hotel, Ormoc City, Leyte, (83-91). 11-12 February 2009. PDF/text

Vanclay, J.K., J. Baynes and E. Cedamon, 2008. Site Index Equation for Smallholder Plantations of Gmelina arborea in Leyte Province, the Philippines. Small-scale Forestry 7(1):87-93. PDF/Preprint Source

Bernaldez, S.O., J.K. Vanclay, J.L. Herbohn, S.R. Harrison and E.O. Mangaoang, 2007. Farm Boundary Survey and Study Block Establishment: A Set of Prior Activities for ACIAR/ASEM/053/2003 − Tree Measurement And Socio-Economic Survey. In S. Harrison, A. Bosch and J. Herbohn (eds) Improving the Triple Bottom Line Returns from Small-scale Forestry, Ormoc, Philippines, pp. 33-40. PDF/text Abstract

Herbohn, J., S. Harrison, E. Mangaoang, N. Gregorio, E. Cedamon, I. Russell and J. Vanclay, 2007. Improving the Triple Bottom Line Returns from Smallholder Tree Farms in the Philippines: A Systems Approach. In: S. Harrison, A. Bosch and J. Herbohn (eds) Improving the Triple Bottom Line Returns from Small-scale Forestry, Ormoc, Philippines, pp. 205-214. PDF/text Abstract

Monterola, J.G.N., F. Morales, J. Herbohn, J. Vanclay, G. Wardell-Johnson, E. Mangaoang and S. Harrison, 2007. Measurement of Smallholder Tree Farms on Leyte Island. In S. Harrison, A. Bosch and J. Herbohn (eds) Improving the Triple Bottom Line Returns from Small-scale Forestry, Proceedings from an International Conference, Ormoc, Philippines, pp. 283-296. PDF/text Abstract

Vanclay, J.K. and J.S. Baynes, 2005. Constructing a Yield Table for Smallholder Forests. In J. Suh, S.R. Harrison, J.L. Herbohn, E.O. Mangaong and J.K. Vanclay (eds) ACIAR Smallholder Forestry Project - Improving Financial Returns to Smallholder Tree Farmers in the Philippines, 15-17 Febuary, 2005, pages 107-110, Ormoc City, the Philippines. PDF/text Abstract/HTML

Harrison, S.R., J.S. Baynes, J.L. Herbohn, E.O. Mangaoang J.K. Vanclay, 2005. Researching Incomplete Markets: A Strategy for Timber Market Research in Leyte. In J. Suh, S.R. Harrison, J.L. Herbohn, E.O. Mangaong and J.K. Vanclay (eds) ACIAR Smallholder Forestry Project - Improving Financial Returns to Smallholder Tree Farmers in the Philippines, 15-17 Febuary, 2005, pages 79-86, Ormoc City, the Philippines. PDF/text Abstract/HTML

Herbohn, J.L., S.R. Harrison, J.K. Vanclay and G. Wardell-Johnson, 2005. Designing a Strategy to Sample Tree Farms on Leyte. In J. Suh, S.R. Harrison, J.L. Herbohn, E.O. Mangaong and J.K. Vanclay (eds) ACIAR Smallholder Forestry Project - Improving Financial Returns to Smallholder Tree Farmers in the Philippines, 15-17 Febuary, 2005, pages 203-210, Ormoc City, the Philippines. PDF/text Abstract/HTML


Putz, F.E., P.A. Zuidema, T. Synnott, M. Peña-Claros, M.A. Pinard, D. Sheil, J.K. Vanclay, P. Sist, S. Gourlet-Fleury, J. Palmer, R. Zagt, B. Griscom, 2013. A more realistic portrayal of tropical forestry: response to Kormos and Zimmerman. Conservation Letters, PDF DOI 10.1111/conl.12044

Keenan, R.J., C.L. Brack, M. Golman and J.K. Vanclay, 2011. A simple planning system for sustainable timber harvesting in Papua New Guinea. In: J.C. Fox, R.J. Keenan, C.L. Brack and S. Saulei (eds) Native forest management in Papua New Guinea: advances in assessment, modelling and decision-making. ACIAR Proceedings 135, pp. 176-184.PDF/text

Putz, F.E., P.A. Zuidema, M.A. Pinard, R.G.A. Boot, J.A. Sayer, D. Sheil, P. Sist, Elias and J.K. Vanclay, 2008. Improved Tropical Forest Management for Carbon Retention. PLOS Biology 6(7):1368-1369. Source

Vanclay, J.K., 2006. Can Lessons from the Community Rainforest Reforestation Program in Eastern Australia be Learned? International Forestry Review 8(2):256-264. PDF/text Source

Nebel, G., J. Dragsted and J.K. Vanclay, 2001. Structure and floristic composition of flood plain forests in the Peruvian Amazon: II. The understorey of restinga forests. Forest Ecology and Management 150(1-2):59-77. PDF/text Preprint/PDF Source

Nebel, G., J. Dragsted, T.R. Simonsen and J.K. Vanclay, 2001. The Amazon flood plain forest tree Maquira coriacea (Karsten) C.C. Berg: Aspects of ecology and management. Forest Ecology and Management 150(1-2):103-113. PDF/text Preprint/PDF Source

Nebel, G., L.P. Kvist, J.K. Vanclay, H. Christensen, L. Freitas and J. Ruiz, 2001. Structure and floristic composition of flood plain forests in the Peruvian Amazon: I. Overstorey. Forest Ecology and Management 150(1-2):27-57. Preprint/PDF Abstract/HTML Source

Nebel, G., L.P. Kvist, J.K. Vanclay and H. Vidaurre, 2001. Forest dynamics in flood plain forests in the Peruvian Amazon: Effects of disturbance and implications for management. Forest Ecology and Management 150(1-2):79-92. PDF/text Preprint/PDF Source

Vanclay, J.K., 2000. On yield regulation for sustainable forestry, with examples from Queensland. In: H.L. Wright and D. Alder (eds) Humid and semi-humid tropical yield regulation with minimal data. Proceedings of a Workshop held at CATIE Costa Rica, 5-9 July 1999. OFI Occasional Papers 52, Oxford Forestry Institute, p. 85-90. ISBN 0 85074 152 1. Preprint/PDF Abstract/HTML

Vanclay, J.K., 1996. Lessons from the Queensland rainforests: Steps towards sustainability. Journal of Sustainable Forestry 3(2/3):1-27. Preprint/PDF Abstract/HTML Source

Kvist, L.P., M. Andersen, M. Hesselsoe and J.K. Vanclay, 1995. Estimating use-values and relative importance of Amazonian flood plain trees and forests to local inhabitants. Commonwealth Forestry Review 74:293-300. Preprint/PDF

Vanclay, J.K., 1994. Sustainable timber harvesting: Simulation studies in the tropical rainforests of north Queensland. Forest Ecology and Management 69:299-320. Preprint/PDF Abstract/HTML Source

Vanclay, J.K., 1990. Effects of selection logging on rainforest productivity. Australian Forestry 53:200-214. PDF/image Preprint/PDF Source

Preston, R.A. and J.K. Vanclay, 1988. Calculation of Timber Yields from North Queensland Rainforests. Queensland Department of Forestry, Technical Paper No 47. 19 p. PDF/image Abstract/HTML

Seed Orchards and Tree Breeding

Nichols, J.D. and J.K. Vanclay, 2012. Domestication of native tree species for timber plantations: Key insights for tropical island nations. International Forestry Review 14(4):402-413. PDF/text Source

Vanclay, J.K., M. Henson and G. Palmer, 2008. Colour variation and correlations in Eucalyptus dunnii sawnwood. Journal of Wood Science 54(6):431-435. Preprint/PDF Source

Pelletier, M.C., M. Henson, S. Boyton, D. Thomas and J.K. Vanclay, 2008. Genetic variation in shrinkage properties of Eucalyptus pilularis assessed using increment cores and test blocks. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science 38(1):194-210. Preprint/PDF

Raymond, C., M. Henson, M.C. Pelletier, S. Boyton, W. Joe, D. Thomas, H. Smith and J. Vanclay, 2008. Improving dimensional stability in plantation-grown E. pilularis and E. dunnii. Forest & Wood Products Australia Report: PN06.3017. 71 pp. PDF

Henson, M. and J.K. Vanclay, 2004. The value of good sites and good genotypes: an analysis of Eucalyptus dunnii plantations in NSW. In “The Economics and Management of High Productivity Plantations”, Lugo, Spain, 27-30. September 2004, ISBN 84 609 3061 0. Preprint/PDF Abstract/HTML

Henson, M., S. Boyton, M. Davies, B. Joe, B. Kangane, T. Murphy, G. Palmer and J.K. Vanclay, 2004. Genetic parameters of wood properties in a 9 year old E. dunnii progeny trial in NSW, Australia. In: N.M.G. Borralho, J.S. Pereira, C. Marques, J. Coutinho, M. Madeira and M. Tomé (eds) “Eucalyptus in a Changing World”, Proc. IUFRO Conf., Aveiro, 11-15 Oct (RAIZ, Instituto Investigação da Floresta e Papel, Portugal), p. 183. Poster/PDF Abstract/HTML

Vanclay, J.K., 1991. Seed orchard designs by computer. Silvae Genetica 40:89-91. PDF/text User Manual/PDF Fortran Program Executable

Vanclay, J.K., 1986. Design for a gene recombination orchard. Silvae Genetica 35:1-3. PDF/image Source

SIMILE - a visual systems-dynamics modelling environment

Orellana, E., A. Figueiredo Filho, S. Péllico Netto and J.K. Vanclay, 2016. Predicting the dynamics of a native Araucaria forest using a distance independent individual tree-growth model. Forest Ecosystems 3:12. Source

Vanclay, J.K., 2014. Unsuspected implications arising from assumptions in simulations: Insights from recasting a forest growth model in system dynamics. Forest Ecosystems, in press Preprint Simile model

Vanclay, J.K., 2010. Participatory modelling to inform rural development: Case studies from Zimbabwe and Australia. International Journal of Environmental and Rural Development 1(2):122-126. PDF/text Source

Vanclay, J., 2007. Insights from a Systems View: How Modelling can Inform Reform. In S. Harrison, A. Bosch and J. Herbohn (eds) Improving the Triple Line Bottom Line Returns from Small-scale Forestry, Ormoc, Philippines, pp.367-374. PDF/text Abstract

Vanclay, J.K., 2006. Spatially-explicit competition indices and the analysis of mixed-species plantings with the Simile modelling environment. Forest Ecology and Management, 233:295-302. Preprint/PDF Source

Vanclay, J.K., R. Prabhu and F. Sinclair, 2006. Realizing Community Futures: A practical guide to harnessing Natural Resources. Earthscan Web support for book Preprint.

Vanclay, J.K., 2003. The One-minute Modeller: An Introduction to Simile. Annals of Tropical Research 25(1):31-44. PDF/text Abstract

Prabhu, R., M. Haggith, H. Mudavanhu, R. Muetzelfeldt, W. Standa-Gunda and J.K. Vanclay, 2003. ZimFlores: A model to advise co-management of the Mafungautsi Forest in Zimbabwe. Small-scale Forestry 2(2):185-210. PDF/text Source

Vanclay, J.K., 2002. An Introduction to Simile. In: S. Harrison, J. Herbohn, E. Mangaoang and J. Vanclay (eds) Socio-economic Research Methods in Forestry: A Training Manual. Rainforest CRC, Cairns, pp. 85-94. PDF/text Abstract/HTML

Vanclay, J.K., 2002. Simile revisited: the one-minute modeller. In: S. Harrison, J. Herbohn, E. Mangaoang and J. Vanclay (eds) Socio-economic Research Methods in Forestry: A Training Manual. Rainforest CRC, Cairns, pp. 95-108. PDF/text Abstract/HTML

Site productivity

Skovsgaard, J.P. and J.K. Vanclay, 2013. Forest site productivity: Spatial and temporal variability in natural site conditions. Forestry 86:305-315. Source

Grant, J.G., J.D. Nichols, R.G.B. Smith, P. Brennan and J.K. Vanclay, 2010. Site index prediction of Eucalyptus dunnii Maiden plantations with soil and site parameters in sub-tropical eastern Australia. Australian Forestry 73:234-245 PDF/text Source

Vanclay, J.K., J. Baynes and E. Cedamon, 2008. Site Index Equation for Smallholder Plantations of Gmelina arborea in Leyte Province, the Philippines. Small-scale Forestry 7(1):87-93. PDF/Preprint Source

Skovsgaard, J.P., and J.K. Vanclay, 2008. Forest site productivity: A review of the evolution of dendrometric concepts for even-aged stands. Forestry 81(1):13-31. Source Awarded the 2008 ICF Silvicultural Prize

Henson, M. and J.K. Vanclay, 2004. The value of good sites and good genotypes: an analysis of Eucalyptus dunnii plantations in NSW. In “The Economics and Management of High Productivity Plantations”, Lugo, Spain, 27-30. September 2004, ISBN 84 609 3061 0. Preprint/PDF Abstract/HTML

Vanclay, J.K., A.N. Gillison and R.J. Keenan, 1997. Using plant functional attributes to quantify site productivity and growth patterns in mixed forests. Forest Ecology and Management 94:149-163. PDF/image Preprint/PDF Source

Vanclay, J.K., 1992. Assessing site productivity in tropical moist forests. Forest Ecology and Management 54:257-287. Preprint/PDF Source

Vanclay, J.K. and R.A. Preston, 1990. Utility of Landsat Thematic Mapper data for mapping site productivity in tropical moist forests. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing 56:1383-1388. PDF/image Preprint/PDF Abstract/HTML

Vanclay, J.K., 1989. Site productivity assessment in rainforests: an objective approach using indicator species. In: Wan Razali Mohd, H.T. Chan and S. Appanah (eds) Proceedings of the Seminar on Growth and Yield in Tropical Mixed/Moist Forests, 20-24 June 1988, Kuala Lumpur. Forest Research Institute Malaysia, p. 225-241. PDF/text Abstract/HTML

Preston, R.A. and J.K. Vanclay, 1988. Calculation of Timber Yields from North Queensland Rainforests. Queensland Department of Forestry, Technical Paper No 47. 19 p. PDF/image Abstract/HTML


Vanclay, J.K., 2015. Planning horizons and end conditions for sustained yield studies in continuous cover forests. Ecological Indicators 48:436–439. Preprint/PDF Source

Sheil, D., E. Meijaard, A. Angelsen, J. Sayer and J. Vanclay, 2013. Sharing future conservation costs. Science 339:270-271. PDF Source

Jay, A., D. Sharpe, D. Nichols and J. Vanclay, 2009. Sustainable Private Native Forestry - Timber production, biodiversity and soil and water indicators and their applicability to northeast New South Wales. RIRDC Publication 09/022. Source

Rennolls, K., M. Tomé, R.E. McRoberts, J.K. Vanclay, V. LeMay, B. Guan and G. Gertner, 2007. Potential contributions of statistics and modelling to sustainable forest management: Review & synthesis. Chapter 20 in K. Reynolds, A. Thomson, M. Shannon, M. Köhl, D. Ray and K. Rennolls (eds) Sustainable Forestry in Theory and Practice. CAB International, Wallingford. ISBN 9781845931742. Preprint/PDF Source

Pearce, D.W., F. Putz and J.K. Vanclay, 2005. Sustainable Forestry in the Tropics: panacea or folly? In J.A. Sayer (ed.) The Earthscan Reader in Forestry and Development. Earthscan, London, ISBN 1844071545, pp.280-305. HTML/text Abstract/HTML Source

Sayer, J.A., J.K. Vanclay and N. Byron, 1997. Technologies for sustainable forest management: Challenges for the 21st century. Commonwealth Forestry Review 76:162-170. PDF/image Preprint/PDF

Vanclay, J.K., 1996. Lessons from the Queensland rainforests: Steps towards sustainability. Journal of Sustainable Forestry 3(2/3):1-27. Preprint/PDF Abstract/HTML Source

Vanclay, J.K., 1996. Assessing the sustainability of timber harvests from natural forests: Limitations of indices based on successive harvests. Journal of Sustainable Forestry 3(4):47-58. Preprint/PDF Source

Vanclay, J.K., 1996. Estimating Sustainable Timber Production from Tropical Forests. CIFOR Working Paper No 11, 25 p. PDF/text Abstract/HTML

Vanclay, J.K., 1995. Minimum data requirements for sustainable forest management. IUFRO News 24(1):11-13. Preprint/PDF Abstract/HTML

Vanclay, J.K., 1994. Sustainable timber harvesting: Simulation studies in the tropical rainforests of north Queensland. Forest Ecology and Management 69:299-320. Preprint/PDF Abstract/HTML Source

Vanclay, J.K., 1993. Environmentally sound timber harvesting: logging guidelines, conservation reserves and rehabilitation studies. In: H. Lieth and M. Lohmann (eds) Restoration of Tropical Forest Ecosystems. Tasks for Vegetation Science 30, Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht, p. 185-192. PDF/image Preprint/PDF Abstract/HTML

Vanclay, J.K., 1991. Ecological sensitivity of Australian rainforests to selective logging. Australian Journal of Ecology 16:541-542. Preprint/PDF Abstract/HTML Source

Vanclay, J.K., 1990. Effects of selection logging on rainforest productivity. Australian Forestry 53:200-214. PDF/image Preprint/PDF Source

Wood properties

Vanclay, J.K., M. Henson and G. Palmer, 2008. Colour variation and correlations in Eucalyptus dunnii sawnwood. Journal of Wood Science 54(6):431-435. Preprint/PDF Source

Pelletier, M.C., M. Henson, S. Boyton, D. Thomas and J.K. Vanclay, 2008. Genetic variation in shrinkage properties of Eucalyptus pilularis assessed using increment cores and test blocks. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science 38(1):194-210. Preprint/PDF

Raymond, C., M. Henson, M.C. Pelletier, S. Boyton, W. Joe, D. Thomas, H. Smith and J. Vanclay, 2008. Improving dimensional stability in plantation-grown E. pilularis and E. dunnii. Forest & Wood Products Australia Report: PN06.3017. 71 pp. PDF

Murphy, T.N., M. Henson and J.K. Vanclay, 2005. Growth stress in Eucalyptus dunnii. Australian Forestry 68(2):144-149. PDF/text Preprint/PDF Abstract/HTML Source

Thinley, C., G. Palmer, J.K. Vanclay and M. Henson, 2005. Spiral and interlocking grain in Eucalyptus dunnii. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products 63(5):372-379. PDF/text Preprint/PDF Source

Henson, M., S. Boyton, M. Davies, B. Joe, B. Kangane, T. Murphy, G. Palmer and J.K. Vanclay, 2004. Genetic parameters of wood properties in a 9 year old E. dunnii progeny trial in NSW, Australia. In: N.M.G. Borralho, J.S. Pereira, C. Marques, J. Coutinho, M. Madeira and M. Tomé (eds) “Eucalyptus in a Changing World”, Proc. IUFRO Conf., Aveiro, 11-15 Oct (RAIZ, Instituto Investigação da Floresta e Papel, Portugal), p. 183. Poster/PDF Abstract/HTML


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